BlueCielo Publisher 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring email notification

Configuring email notification

BlueCielo Publisher can send email notifications containing job execution results. This can be useful to monitor synchronization from a computer where the BlueCielo Application Manager is not installed.

To configure email notification:

  1. In BlueCielo Application Manager, select the name of the publishing job in the configuration tree for which you want to configure email notification. The job's control page appears.
  2. Click the Execution options hyperlink. The Execution options dialog appears.
  3. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Email notification options
Option Description

Send me an email for each failed item

Sends separate emails for the Publisher export and import processes so that you can monitor the success of each.

Send me an email with a summary of the execution

Sends a single email that contains a summary of the execution of all Publisher processes.


Recipient email address.


CC recipient email address.


Name to appear as the sender of the messages.

SMTP server

Name of the SMTP server to use to generate the messages.

Use a default host address

Disables the From and SMTP server options and sends messages using a BlueCielo Google mail account.

  1. To test the options, click Send a test message.

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